
Showing posts from December, 2018

How do you launch a security token offering (STO) in Switzerland?

Generally, the STO regulatory frameworks include Regulation A+, Regulation D, Regulation S and Regulation Crowdfunding. FINMA, Switzerland Financial Market Regulator, is the legal body to issue licences to launch your STO wrt Swiss government. In the case of asset-backed tokens, there are security law requirements for trading, as well as civil law requirements under the Swiss Code of Obligations. The regulatory requirements need to be fulfilled in order to launch STO . Blockchain App Factory, one of the pioneers in the Blockchain ecosystem, offers end-to-end solutions for Security token offering . Tokenization of Securities with a legal compliant framework in place. The regulatory compliances will be loaded into the smart contract and auditing will be performed; once everything is verified, the next step would be the launch.  Reach out to Blockchain App Factory , know more, and begin your partnership to steer clear of all the legal complications.